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At St Werburghs City Farm we are currently recruiting for 12 lucky young people aged 11-16 to our Community Cook Up in the summer holidays. 

As well as cooking lunch and snacks for themselves both days, we will be working towards cooking and serving a two course meal for a local community group, as well as any of the young people’s friends or family they would like to invite.  

This is suitable for young people aged 11-16 who love cooking and would like to gain more experience in a very supportive environment. It is aimed at those on free school meals and is run by three experienced members of staff from the youth team. We will be cooking using a mix of ovens, a wood fired pizza oven and cooking on the fire. This takes places at Boiling Wells, our 2.5 acre conservation site a 5 minute walk from the farm. The site consists of a heated barn, an outdoor kitchen, an orchard, vegetable garden, cob round house, fire pits, woodland and plenty of space for hanging out. We will also have some time down at the farm cuddling and playing with our animals.

We have the choice of 2 cook ups. Your young person is welcome to sign up to both (we will be doing different recipes on each Cook up) or just to one.  

Cook Up 1:
When: 7th and 8th August  

Time: 11-3pm  

Where: Boiling Wells Conservation Site 


Cook up 2: 

When: 21st, 22nd and 24th August 

Time: 11-3pm  

Where: Boiling Wells Conservation site 


29th August: Celebration day for anyone who has attended a Community Cook Up event 


This is a fully funded opportunity with lunch and snacks included. Bus fares can also be covered. 

If you have someone you would like to refer, please fill in the referral form attached, and I will call the young person’s parent/ carer to let them know they have a place and organise details.

Let me know if you have any questions or queries!