Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions2024-05-13T12:22:03+01:00

Here you will find answers to the most common questions we get asked about the programme. However, if you have a specific question that isn’t included in the list below, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

What is Your Holiday Hub?2024-05-10T12:29:39+01:00

In 2021, working as ‘one city’, Bristol City Council, Feeding Bristol, Fareshare, Bristol Association for Neighbourhood Daycare (BAND) and Bristol Play and Youth Alliance started Your Holiday Hub (YHH). YHH offers equal access to holiday activities and clubs to those in receipt of benefits-related free school meals (FSM). We have a strong community, voluntary and play sector and we have built on these strengths to create something that is inclusive and fun. By attending sessions throughout the holidays, children and young people can build their confidence and social skills through play, sport, adventure, and friendship.

The places have been funded by the government’s Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme, which was rolled out nationally in 2021. In Bristol, we received just over £1.8m to deliver holiday activities and food to over 18,000 eligible children and young people across the city.

Why did the programme start?2024-05-10T12:23:52+01:00

The programme was started to help close a gap that many families experienced during the school holidays. Children and young people, many from a low-income background, did not have access to experiences and opportunities they would like outside of term time. Having a funded programme like Your Holiday Hub supports thousands of families in Bristol by having a positive impact on their lives when children are not at school. We support local organisations that are embedded in their local communities, as it is these organisations that understand the needs of the communities and have developed strong relationships with children, parents, and carers alike. Working together we can help every child feel like they belong in Bristol.

Who is eligible for the fully funded sessions?2024-05-10T12:22:58+01:00

If your child is in Reception to Year 11 and is in receipt of benefits-related free school meals, you can search this website for fully-funded activities and clubs to attend during the school holidays. Find out more about eligibility here.

Do you also support children and young people with SEND?2024-05-10T12:22:04+01:00

Eligible children or young people who are on the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) register or who have an educational health care plan (EHCP) are welcomed at each YHH session. Please get in touch with individual providers to discuss any individual needs.

How is food included?2024-05-10T12:21:20+01:00

Bristol has been working towards food equality for children over the school holidays since 2019 with The Healthy Holidays programme, a Bristol partnership led by Feeding Bristol and Fareshare SW. Together, we aim to create a city where no child goes hungry which includes the three main school holidays in spring, summer and winter. We also want to teach young people about food, what good food choices are and how ingredients are produced before it gets to their plate.

But food isn’t just about eating, it is about community, culture and family and lots of our sessions help support this through the inclusion of cookery lessons as well as providing a healthy meal and snacks for everyone to enjoy during the day.

How do families book a fully funded place?2024-05-10T12:20:29+01:00

We now use a booking system called Eequ which makes it easier to book a place on your chosen session. Just use the link on each activity page and this will take you through to the booking details you need to add in. Please note, not all providers will have the booking system in place for their sessions. In that instance, you will need to contact the individual provider via the email they have given.

How many sessions can be booked in the holidays?2024-05-13T12:09:00+01:00

Eligible children and young people will be able to book up to 16 sessions during the longer summer holidays. This might be negotiable depending on the capacity of the provider.

If we don’t receive benefits-related Free School Meals, where else can I look for holiday activity sessions?2024-05-10T12:18:35+01:00

Anyone that isn’t eligible for the fully funded sessions can search the ‘paid-for’ listings that sit alongside them so everyone can take part in lots of additional activities during the holidays. If you need to pay for a session, please contact the provider and arrange payment via their normal payment systems. If there are any problems or concerns, please get in touch with Your Holiday Hub Bristol.

Alternatively, there are other websites you can visit to find providers, activities and sessions open to all, across the whole of Bristol. Go to the Children and Young People Bristol website or visit the new Family Hubs website to find support near you.

Are there other ways families can access support?2024-05-10T12:14:33+01:00
What if I can’t attend the session I’ve booked?2024-05-13T12:11:21+01:00

We realise plans change, or children become ill so there are times where they are no longer able to attend the sessions booked. Where possible, please contact the provider 48 hours in advance so that your space on the activity can be offered to someone else who might need it.

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