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Fun holiday club offering both indoor and outdoor activities

Date: Monday 12th Feb 2024 – Wednesday 14th Feb 2024

Location: St Anne’s Infants School, Bloomfield Road, Brislington, BS4 3QJ

Times: 8.30am – 5.30pm

Price: £33 per child per day.

Bookings will require payment at the time of booking and are non-refundable.

Food & Drink and food allergies/dietary requirements– Children will need to bring a packed lunch (strictly no nuts), snacks and a refillable water bottle. We will offer them a small snack in the afternoon to help keep them going until dinner. Please make sure they have eaten breakfast before they arrive and that they have enough food and snacks for the day. It is also really important that you add your child’s dietary requirements and allergies to our booking system so staff are aware.

Medicine – Please contact us first on stannesholidayclub@munchkinschildcare.co.uk so we can put the necessary paperwork in place before you book your child in. We will need a medical care plan filled in and medicine in their original container with a prescribing sticker. All medicine must be in date and our staff may require extra training for certain medication.

SEN and behavioural needs – Please note we can help assist children but we are unable to offer any 1-2-1 care due to staff ratios without specific funding for extra staff. If your child has any additional needs or behavioural needs it is really important that you email stannesholidayclub@munchkinschildcare.co.uk before you book your child on so we can explore how we can meet your child’s needs.

If you have not disclosed important information to us like medicine/SEN/behavioural needs/dietary requirements then we reserve the right to cancel your booking.

Our full terms and conditions are sent by email upon registration.

Please note we can take children once they have started Reception year and up until the end of Year 6.