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This booking is for children in Years 1 to Year 6 only who are entitled to Free School dinners and have been sent links directly from us offering you a space on our Holiday Camp program. If you think you qualify please email jcarling@premier-education.com for a referral link to the booking page.

There will be a 1:16 ratio of Activity Professionals to children under 8 years old, and a 1:16 ratio for children aged 8-12 years of age.

Our activities range from; – Football – Dodgeball – Rugby – Archery – Athletics – Hockey – Tennis – Basketball and much more

With all our activities, we follow our ‘Fun Agreement’, to RESPECT each other, stay SAFE and we will all LEARN and have FUN.

We will also include a Wellbeing program, helping the children understand more about staying fit and healthy and making the right food choices for our health.

If you have any queries then please do not hesitate to contact: 07476 032239 or email jcarling@premier-education.com