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Cooking and Crafting at Redcatch Community Garden: A fun indoor/outdoor cookery session, cooking your own lunch, followed by Garden craft.

These FREE* sessions are running on Mondays and Tuesdays from 24 July – 15 August, 2023 10-2pm for children aged 8-12 years old.

This is a SEND Friendly, small group, offering which can be adapted to the needs of all children. No diagnosis is required.

*The children must qualify for free school meals to attend this provision.

Our wonderful guest cookery teachers from Square Food Foundation will run a cookery session. We will use fresh produce to cook lunch which we can enjoy eating together in the beautiful garden.

After lunch we will all enjoy time in the garden and do Garden and Growing related craft activities with our wonderful Garden and Education team.

This programme is funded by Your Holiday Hub, supported by Bristol City Council.